Get in Touch

Pony Club Branches are run by volunteers, who make up the Branch Committee and run the events, administrate Branch activity and communicate with the Members. Volunteers are often sought to help with tasks such as putting out show jumping courses, stewarding at shows and becoming new Committee Members.
If you have time to spare get in touch!

Branch Contact List

District Commissioner Ian Nolan-Plunkett 07710 975082
Assistant DC Sarah Veevers 07505 006436
Treasurer Andrea Longmire 07436 806143
Secretary Kerry Geldard
Membership Secretary Allison Ditchfiled 07763 238118
Child Protection Officer Tanya Ratcliffe
Fund Raising/Sponsorship Janet Berry
Health & Safety   Ian Nolan-Plunkett  07710 975082
 Achievement Training Natasha  – 
Badges & Test Natasha
Camp Sarah Veevers 07505 006436
Dressage Jill Taylor 07957 515517
Endurance Sarah Veevers 07505 006436
Eventing Tanya Ratcliffe
Mini Rally Allison Ditchfiled 07763 238118
Mounted Games Julie Evans 07808 425770
Musical Ride Team Sarah Veevers 07505 006436
Rally  Allison Ditchfield  07763 238118 
Quiz Team
Show Jumping Sarah Veevers 07505 006436
Triathlon Gill Badger
Red Cat Field Manager Julie Westhead 07724 148483
 Website & Facebook Ian Nolan-Plunkett  07710 975082 
Branch Clothing Kerry Geldard 07855 497330

How Can We Help? Contact Us

Don’t be a stranger
say hello 
If you require any further information, have a question or query use the contact form below to drop us a line.

*Fields with an asterisk are mandatory 

Our Committee