Achievement Badges & Efficiency Test

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Virtual WPC – Badges #2
Our members are working hard during lockdown on their achievement badges. Here are some of their amazing pictures of them working hard and their lovely models and pictures. So far we have done: Farming Mini Farming Working Dogs Safety Equipment Security
Virtual WPC – Badges #1
What a first day of badges! Imogen, Eliza, Zach and Amelie all completing their mini Farming badge (that included putting together a drawing, collage or model of their dream farm and we had some fantastic ones)! Scarlet C – gained her Farming (Big badge) with some great research of farm
Virtual WPC – Badge Training
BADGE TRAINING – LOCKDOWN STYLE The lovely Jo Baxter has put together some badge training and the aim is to run these as on-line sessions (if there is enough interest). After the session question sheets will be emailed or can be sent on messenger to those registered. These can then
Achievement Badge Day 1st December 2019
Everyone had a great day and all those that attended passed! Fiona
Achievement Test Day Feb 2019
A massive well done to all our members who took their tests today, we had: Edward who passed his E test Mia and Charlotte both passed their D test and Benjamin, Evie and Joe all passed their D and D+ tests. All riders rode fantastic and all ponies behaved. Thanks
Achievement Test Training
Thankyou to all the members for turning up today in the freezing cold, for the test training. The children and older girls rode really well, everbody was well turned out and the ponies were very clean. Thank you to Gill for the hot drinks, you have the best catering wagon!!